
10 Books like Braiding Sweetgrass

Have you ever finished a book and felt like the world shifted a little on its axis? 

That’s how I felt after reading Robin Wall Kimmerer’s “Braiding Sweetgrass.”

It opened my eyes to the interconnectedness of everything, and the deep wisdom held within the natural world.

If you, like me, are looking for more books that will challenge your perspective and inspire a deeper connection with nature, then keep reading! 

I’m here to share some recommendations that resonate with the themes explored in “Braiding Sweetgrass.”

Books like Braiding Sweetgrass

1. The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben

“The Hidden Life of Trees” explores the complex life of forests and the intricate processes that allow them to thrive, communicate, and support each other. Through a blend of scientific research and personal observations, Peter Wohlleben shares the unseen connections between trees, how they feel, communicate, and maintain a complex ecosystem. 

This book offers a profound new perspective on the world of trees, making a case for the deep emotional and physical connections they share with each other and with humans.

Major Similarities: 

Like “Braiding Sweetgrass,” this book intertwines scientific knowledge with deep ecological wisdom, offering a narrative that respects and highlights the intelligence and interconnectedness of the natural world. 

Both books encourage readers to rethink their relationship with the environment, promoting a perspective that blends science with traditional ecological knowledge and a profound respect for nature.

2. The Overstory by Richard Powers

“The Overstory” is a novel that weaves together the lives of nine characters, each transformed by a unique relationship with trees and forests. This book combines the rich narrative of human experience with the intricate and often overlooked life of trees, unfolding a story that spans generations and explores the essential role of trees in human and planetary survival. 

Powers crafts a compelling argument for the ecological and spiritual significance of trees, challenging readers to see the natural world with new eyes.

Major Similarities: 

Both “The Overstory” and “Braiding Sweetgrass” share a reverence for the natural world, specifically the profound impact and wisdom of plants. 

They offer narratives that blend human stories with those of nature, illustrating the interconnectedness of human and ecological survival and well-being.

3. Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses by Robin Wall Kimmerer

In “Gathering Moss,” Robin Wall Kimmerer combines her expertise as a botanist with her poetic sensibility to explore the world of mosses. This book delves into the biology and ecology of mosses, their role in ecosystems, and what they teach us about living in harmony with the natural world. 

Kimmerer’s reflections also touch on the cultural and spiritual dimensions of mosses, drawing parallels between the resilience of these small plants and broader ecological principles.

Major Similarities: 

Written by the same author, “Gathering Moss” shares a similar approach to “Braiding Sweetgrass,” blending scientific insight with indigenous wisdom and personal narrative. 

Both books invite readers to develop a deeper, more respectful relationship with the natural world, emphasizing the importance of observation, gratitude, and reciprocity with nature.

4. The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-Than-Human World by David Abram

“The Spell of the Sensuous” examines the relationship between human perception, language, and the environment. David Abram explores how the written word and modern technology have distanced humans from a direct, sensory experience of the natural world. 

He argues for a return to a more embodied and intuitive engagement with nature, drawing on insights from indigenous cultures, ecology, and phenomenology to illuminate the deep connections between the human senses and the living environment.

Major Similarities: 

This book, like “Braiding Sweetgrass,” emphasizes the importance of a reciprocal relationship with the natural world, guided by respect, attentiveness, and sensory engagement. 

Both works explore the integration of indigenous wisdom with scientific understanding, advocating for a holistic view of human-environment interactions.

5. Becoming Animal: An Earthly Cosmology by David Abram

“Becoming Animal” further explores themes introduced in “The Spell of the Sensuous,” focusing on the deep, embodied connection between humans and the natural world. 

David Abram invites readers to reconsider the boundaries between the human and the non-human, arguing for a more immersive, participatory relationship with the earth. 

Through personal narrative, philosophical inquiry, and ecological insight, Abram presents a vision of humanity that is interwoven with the fabric of the earth itself.

Major Similarities: 

Similar to “Braiding Sweetgrass,” Abram’s work challenges readers to view themselves not as separate from, but as integral parts of the natural world. 

Both authors weave together science, story, and indigenous philosophies to foster a sense of kinship with all living beings, advocating for a life that honors and sustains the interconnected web of life.

6. Wilding: The Return of Nature to a British Farm by Isabella Tree

“Wilding” tells the extraordinary story of the Knepp experiment, a pioneering rewilding project on what was once intensively farmed land in West Sussex, England. 

Isabella Tree and her husband made the bold decision to let nature take control, resulting in an astonishing increase in biodiversity, including the return of many species thought to be extinct in the area. 

The book is a compelling narrative of environmental recovery, demonstrating the resilience of nature and the potential of rewilding to restore damaged ecosystems.

Major Similarities: 

Like “Braiding Sweetgrass,” “Wilding” combines personal narrative with ecological science to explore human relationships with the land. 

Both books emphasize the importance of learning from and working with nature rather than trying to control it, showcasing the remarkable results of adopting a more respectful and reciprocal approach to environmental stewardship.

7. The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness by Sy Montgomery

“The Soul of an Octopus” explores the emotional and physical world of octopuses, delving into their intelligence, consciousness, and the bonds they can form with humans. 

Sy Montgomery shares stories of individual octopuses at the New England Aquarium and the insights they provide into the nature of consciousness. 

Through her encounters, Montgomery challenges the reader to rethink our understanding of intelligence and the boundaries between human and non-human animals.

Major Similarities: 

This book, like “Braiding Sweetgrass,” encourages readers to expand their view of the natural world, recognizing the intelligence and wonder in non-human beings. 

Both authors use personal storytelling to bridge the gap between scientific understanding and the emotional connections that bind us to the natural world, fostering a sense of empathy and kinship with all forms of life.

8. Lab Girl by Hope Jahren

“Lab Girl” is a memoir by geobiologist Hope Jahren that explores her life in science and the challenges she has faced as a woman in a male-dominated field. 

The book also delves into the wonders of plant life, showcasing Jahren’s deep love and fascination with trees, plants, and soil. Through her journey, Jahren highlights the importance of passion, curiosity, and perseverance in both personal growth and scientific discovery.

Major Similarities: 

Similar to “Braiding Sweetgrass,” “Lab Girl” combines the personal and the scientific to illuminate the intricate connections between humans and the natural world. 

Both books are written by female scientists who share a profound respect for plant life and offer insights into the ways plants communicate, adapt, and survive, urging a deeper appreciation and understanding of our environmental companions.

9. Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds & Shape Our Futures by Merlin Sheldrake

“Entangled Life” explores the fascinating world of fungi and their critical role in the earth’s ecosystems. Merlin Sheldrake delves into the complexity of fungal life, from their ability to decompose matter and form symbiotic relationships with plants to their influence on human culture and innovation. 

The book reveals the often-overlooked significance of fungi and their potential to address environmental challenges.

Major Similarities: 

Both “Entangled Life” and “Braiding Sweetgrass” highlight the interconnectedness of all life forms and the importance of understanding these connections for the health of our planet. 

Sheldrake, like Kimmerer, blends scientific research with a deep ecological awareness, inviting readers to look beyond human-centric narratives and appreciate the vital roles played by other organisms in our world.

10. What a Plant Knows: A Field Guide to the Senses by Daniel Chamovitz

“What a Plant Knows” offers a fascinating glimpse into the sensory world of plants, exploring how they perceive their surroundings, communicate, and respond to various stimuli. 

Daniel Chamovitz combines scientific research with accessible explanations to shed light on the remarkable capabilities of plants, challenging conventional notions of what it means to see, hear, and feel. 

This book provides readers with a new perspective on the complexity and intelligence of plant life.

Major Similarities: 

Like “Braiding Sweetgrass,” Chamovitz’s book encourages a deeper appreciation for the intelligence of the natural world, specifically the often-underestimated capabilities of plants. 

Both works bridge the gap between science and spirituality, urging a respectful and reciprocal relationship with nature that recognizes the wisdom and value of all living beings.

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